Elene Usdin
Artist, comic book author, illustrator, painter, photographer, Elene Usdin lives between Brussels and Paris, and enjoys travelling in her practice, since her studies at the Arts-Décoratifs de Paris (graphic design and moving image section) in 1998. Not to stick to the same territory, but to approach other materials, other techniques, to venture out.
Whether engaged in painting for the cinema (the paintings of Portrait Portrait of a Lady on Fire, 2019) or creating a series of crocheted masks (Mascarade, 2020), every venture serves as a pretext for extend back her limits and critically examine her art.
An inner journey that recently led her to her first graphic novel "René.e aux bois dormants" (éditions Sarbacane, 2021), woven of dreams, metamorphoses, magnetic characters, in an overflowing and living nature. Her taste for the uncommon, the unreal, the dreamlike, her free-spirited ways, naturally matched with the Vaadhoo perfume, its luminescent sea, conducive to extravagant visions.